Jane Berendsen-Hill, CCMC

Jane Berendsen-Hill

Jane has worked for 17 years in the tax collector’s office. She enjoys her position as she can interact with so many different people. She had previously worked as a trainer, a security analyst, and in investor relations.

As town tax collector Jane is involved in collecting taxes through on- line, mail or in person sources. When taxes are not paid, her office begins adding interest charges or eventually is indirectly involved in the foreclosure process. In July of 2021, Ridgefield’s mill rate was set at 28.21 mills for every $1,000.00 of value.  

Then too, Jane’s department is responsible for collecting taxes on motor vehicles, personal property, and establishing benefit rates for the elderly and disabled. Jane’s department has nothing to do with assessing property values. The town’s assessor’s office is responsible for getting their information to Jane’s office. Jane likes the idea that her job is all about collecting money and not paying out money. When Jane describes her job, she says that she spends her days working with spread sheets and making certain that everything balances. Fortunately, Jane loves working with numbers. 

Of lesser department importance, is Jane’s role in collecting parking fees for over time or inappropriate parking and selling transfer station permits. Her department is also involved with sewer hookup permits. Connecticut residents are usually happy that there is only one major tax in town and that we do not have a separate education tax such as they do in New York.

In the past Jane has voted against bill #6631 which would waive the interest on delinquent taxes. She feels that this would be unfair to those who work hard to pay their taxes on time and would also put our town out of alignment with other neighboring towns and state statutes. People must presently pay their taxes within one month of the due date or be charged 1.5 percent interest.

During the pandemic Jane was in her office daily to help people get through the payment process. Many more people went to on-line payments and needed to be walked through the process. There was no way the department could help people financially during the pandemic as Jane’s department must adhere to strict governmental executive orders. 

Educationally, Jane has a BA in math from McGill University in Canada and her MA is in management from M.I.T. She believes in the ethic of working hard and doing what is right for the community. She would like to soon travel to Germany to visit her daughter who works in the tech industry abroad. Her son is also involved with the tech industry.    

Jane has lived in town for 39 years, coming from New York City. She wanted to bring her children up in a town like Ridgefield with a good school system. Once a resident, Jane became very active in the PTA’s, starting with Branchville Elementary School. With her financial background she was a natural to become treasurer and finance person for the PTA, as well as its president.

Helping people is what Jane is all about, whether at home, on the job, or in the community. Right now, Jane is the treasurer for the Friends of Ridgefield Community Programs. This is a big responsibility but one where Jane feels she can truly help the community.

Department Memberships

DepartmentJob title
Tax Collector
Active Membership