Police Department


Established in 1955, the Ridgefield Police Department employs 44 sworn officers and 9 civilians. The prime function of the Ridgefield Police Department is to protect life, liberty and property, to preserve the peace and public order, to prevent and repress crime, to detect violations of law and to apprehend violators and prosecute those apprehended. The prime function shall be accomplished through service to our community in providing safety and an improved quality of life, by developing community partnerships and excellence in policing reinforced through the three pillars of character and strength: Integrity, Courage and Justice.



Copies of reports may be requested from the Records Department. State Statutes dictate what reports may be released to the public so all requests may not be accommodated.

A fee of $.50 per page (cash or check) will be charged for all reports that are released; no reports will be faxed or emailed. If necessary, a report can be left at the front desk so it can be picked up after the Records Department closes. If left at the front desk, the report can be picked up 24/7 but the correct amount for the report will be needed at the time it is picked up.

Routine accident reports are usually available within (2) to (3) working days of the occurrence. It is always a good idea to call Records to be sure the report is available before you come for it. In the event of a fatality or criminal charges connected with an accident, the report may not be available for a while due to the more extensive investigation involved.

Incident Reports:
Release of records is limited by CT General Statutes. Requests may be made to the Records Department. Freedom of Information law expempts the following records from release:

  • Juvenile records
  • Uncorroborated allegations
  • Identity of witnesses or informants whose safety would be endangered
  • Identity of minor witnesses
  • Signed statements of witnesses
  • Name and address of victim of sexual assault or risk of injury to a minor

Record Check:
A form needs to be submitted to the Records Department and a photo ID will need to be presented (preferably an operator's license). The record check is only for the Town of Ridgefield. If a record check for the State of Connecticut is desired, see DPS website.

Fingerprinting is provided for Ridgefield residents only. Residents are urged to call the general number (203 438.6531) before coming to Headquarters to be sure there is no one in lock-up and that there is available manpower. The RPD does not provide any fingerprint cards; they should be provided by the agency requesting that you be fingerprinted.

Special Duty (Hire an Officer):
The Department provides off-duty Officers for side jobs, when requested. A form will need to be submitted and a deposit will be required at the time the request is made. An Officer will handle the request at the front desk or you can contact the Uniform Division Commander at 203 431.2799; View form.  
