


Most of the work of the Planning & Zoning Commission (PZC) is "quasi-judicial" - that is, like a court with judges, the PZC is required to hear all sides (testimony); to evaluate and weigh the credibility of evidence provided and the expertise of individuals providing testimony or evidence; and to make decisions based on state law and local regulations, supported by findings of fact, testimony, and evidence within the record; and to follow a specified process within certain timelines.  Under Connecticut law, decisions of the PZC are subject to review/appeal at the Connecticut Superior Courts.  

For this reason, all communication to/with Commissioners on matters pending before the Commission should be "on the record" - either at the public meeting/hearing, or else in writing to the entire Commission, sent via (c/o) staff.  All correspondence to the Commission should be sent via email to [email protected].  In your subject line or start of letter, we suggest your clarify the message is "For Distribution to Commission".  If your correspondence is related directly to a pending application, it will be uploaded to the digital/online file for that application.  If you know the application number, or at least the property address, it is helpful to include in your subject line or start of letter.

Mailed letters should be addressed as follows:

Planning & Zoning Commission

Town of Ridgefield

c/o Alice Dew, Planning & Zoning Director

66 Prospect Street

Ridgefield, CT  06877



Correspondence received by Planning & Zoning Commission

  1. May 27, 2022: Re: Cannabis; City of Danbury-Petition
  2. May 29, 2022: Re: 34 Bailey Avenue- Email from G.Carey
  3. June 07, 2022: Re: NRVT- Letter from Mr. Ahle
  4. June 08, 2022: Re: Cannabis-Email from Mr. Carr
  5. June 13, 2022: Re:Cannabis Amendment- Letter from Mr. Tartaglia
  6. June 14, 2022: Re: Affordable Housing- Memo From Ms. Seibert (WPCA)
  7. June 14, 2022: Re: Rezone Ethan Allen Highway-Letter from Mr. Tartaglia
  8. June 14, 2022: Re:34 Bailey Avenue-Letter from Mr. Goldenberg (AHC)
  9. June 20, 2022: Re: Cannabis- Letter from Mr. Tartaglia
  10. June 23, 2022: Re:Ethan Allen Highway RZ-22-1- Staff report from Ms. Dew
  11. June 24, 2022: Re: Rezone RZ-22-1- Letter from Mr Tartaglia
  12. June 24, 2022: Re: Draft Affordable Housing Plan Revised on June 23, 2022 by AHC
  13. June 27, 2022:Re:Rezone RZ-22-1-Email from Mr. Bryce
  14. June 28, 2022: Re: 34 Bailey Ave- Letter from Mr. Reid
  15. June 28, 2022: Re: 34 Bailey Avenue- Letter from Ridgefield Parking Authority
  16. July 05, 2022: Re: Cannabis A-22-1-Memorandum from Mr. Carr
  17. July 07, 2022: Re: PA-21-29-From Mr. Carr
  18. July 07, 2022: Re: Accessory Dwelling Unit-WestCOG Toobox- From Mr. Carr
  19. July 12, 2022: Re: Affordable Housing Plan- Email from Ms. Beaulieu
  20. July 19, 2022: Re: Casagmo: Email from Mr. Hulbert
  21. July 19, 2022: Re: Casagmo Rain event Photograph
  22. July 26, 2022: Re: Cannabis A-22-1- Letter from Mr. Tartaglia
  23. August 05, 2022: Re: Cannabis A-22-1- Letter from Mr. Tartaglia
  24. August 12, 2022: Re: Cannabis A-22-1 & A-22-2- Letter from Ms.Sementini
  25. August 29, 2022: Re: Martin Park Pickle Ball SP-22-14 -Letters from residents/patrons
  26. September 09, 2022: Re: Martin Park Pickle Ball SP-22-14- Intervention- Ms. Sulzinsky
  27. September 13, 2022: Re: 42 Oscaleta Road SP-22-13- Letters from neighbors
  28. October 06, 2022: Pre concept-ECDC
  29. October 19, 2022: 19 Great Pond Rd.-Letter from P&R
  30. October 24, 2022:19 Great Pond rd.- Interveners Submission
  31. A-22-5:  All Correspondence 
  32. March 17, 2023 Correspondence L Noyes
  33. AH-23-1:  All Correspondence
  34. April 17, 2023: Correspondence L Rutkowski
  35. June 13, 2023: Letter from J Tartaglia re: US Supreme Court Decision
  36. July 21, 2023: Letter from J Tartaglia re: Uniform Policy Needed for Flag Flying & Sign Painting of Roads
  37. July 17, 2023: Letter from G Deleon re: TOC Walk Audit
  38. July 31, 2023: Letter from J Tartaglia re: Flag Ordinance & Clarifying the Present Prohibition of Road/RIght of Way Painting Prohibition
  39. June 4, 2024: Letter from M Autouri re: Branchville Discussion
  40. July 2, 2024: Letter from L Mazzola re: Signs
  41. August 2, 2024: Letter from M. Autuori re: Envirocluster
  42. September 9, 2024: Letter from M. Autuori re: TOD
  43. September 16, 2024: Letter from M. Steinhart re: 439 Silver Spring
  44. September 16, 2024: Letter from Colleen Padilla re 439 Silver Spring
  45. October 8, 2024: Memo from S. Zemo re 115 Danbury Rd
  46. October 22, 2024: Email from J Corley re 599 Branchville Rd
  47. October 23, 2024:  Email from S O'Connor
  48. November 20, 2024: Email from M. Aurtuori