Board of Police Commissioners

Commission Members
Sharon Dornfeld - Chairperson
Isabel Caporale - Secretary
Marcie Coffin
John Frey
Ralph Money
Police Commission meetings are held monthly, generally on the second Thursday of the month at 7:00 pm in the Town Hall Annex (building adjacent to Yanity Gym). The Commission may meet more frequently as the need arises particularly when hiring and promoting officers. Residents are welcome to attend and to participate in regularly scheduled monthly meetings. Please confirm the meeting date and time with the Ridgefield Town Clerk's office at (203) 431-2783. Some meetings (or parts thereof) are held in Executive Session (as allowed by Freedom of Information regulations) on issues concerning hiring, promoting, personnel issues, security-related issues, contract negotiations and pending litigation. Executive Sessions are not open to the general public.
The Commission, in conjunction with the Chief of Police, establishes performance goals for the Chief on an annual basis and completes a Performance Review based upon the established goals The Chief of Police is a regular attendee at Police Commission meetings and advises the Commission on issues noted above as well as on issues of financial needs and expenditures, personnel needs and manpower deployment.
Correspondence to the Police Commission should be addressed as follows:
Ridgefield Police Commission
Ridgefield Police Department
76 East Ridge Road, Ridgefield, CT 06877
Messages for the Police Commission can be left at: (203) 438-6531, ask for Voice Mail 1049.