Community Policing
Special Olympics Law Enforcement Torch Run
The Law Enforcement Torch Run® (LETR) is the largest public awareness vehicle and grass-roots fundraiser for Special Olympics. Known honorably as Guardians of the Flame, law enforcement members and Special Olympics athletes carry the “Flame of Hope” into the Opening Ceremony of local competitions, and into Special Olympics State, Provincial, National, Regional and World Games. Annually, more than 109,000 dedicated and compassionate law enforcement members carry the “Flame of Hope,” symbolizing courage and celebration of diversity uniting communities around the globe.
Citizen Police Academy
In an effort to connect the community and the police, the RPD Citizen Police Academy educates participants about various aspects of police work. The 9 week program may include classes like Crime Scene Investigation, Computer Crimes, Laws of Arrest, and Firearms Safety. Applicants must live or work in Ridgefield and be a minimum of eighteen years old at the time of registration.
The Academy provides a forum by which residents can interact with the men and women (sworn and non-sworn) of the Department who faithfully serve their community. The Ridgefield Citizen Police Academy enables students and police department employees to better recognize their responsibilities toward each other in a partnership to maintain a safe community and improve the quality of life.
To register call our Public Relations Officer Captain Raines at 203 431-2797.
Junior Police Academy
The Junior Police Academy provides an introduction to the field of law enforcement through classroom training, hands-on instruction, K-9 demonstration and practical thinking. The participants will gain an understanding of community responsibility, problem solving, and the role of the public servants in everyday life.
D.A.R.E. Program
D.A.R.E (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) is a program taught by our Police Officers to students on the fifth and seventh grade levels. We reach approximately one thousand, one hundred students a year with this program.
D.A.R.E. is a collaborative effort by D.A.R.E. Certified Law Enforcement Officers, educators, students, parents and the Community to offer an educational program in the classroom to prevent or reduce drug abuse and violence among children and youth. The emphasis of the program is to help students recognize and resist the many direct and subtle pressures that influence them to experiment with alcohol, tobacco, Marijuana, inhalants and other drugs or to engage in violence. D.A.R.E. is organized into nine 45 minute lessons in the fifth grade and six 45 minute lessons in the seventh grade.
The Ridgefield Police Department presently has four Police Officers involved with teaching the program on a part-time basis. The D.A.R.E. program in Ridgefield began in the 1990-91 school year at the fifth grade level. In 1996-97, the program was expanded to include the 7th and 10th grades; 10th grade D.A.R.E. was eliminated in 2004.
This program is funded through the budget process, residents and members of the Ridgefield Police Department's Police Benevolent Association.
G.R.A.D.D. Program
G.R.A.D.D. (Government of Ridgefield Against Drunk Driving) is a cooperative effort between the Police Department, students, faculty, town government and citizens to attempt to ensure a safe and sober graduation period for our students.
Halloween Party
The Ridgefield Police Department throws an annual Halloween party for the youth of Ridgefield. This party is held at the Lounsbury House on October 31st.
Neighborhood Watch is a nationally known program which, by virtue of environment, differs from area to area. The Ridgefield Police Department's Crime Prevention Unit has the responsibility to organize and instruct interested persons in all phases of Neighborhood Watch. The following list will assist you in forming a program for your neighborhood:
Neighborhood Watch signs are provided by the Ridgefield Police Department.
To reduce the risk of being victimized at home and out in public, neighbors should be observant of and report any suspicious activities. They should also get to know their neighbors and their routines so that activities that are out of the norm can be reported.
Residents should get into the habit of always locking their doors, windows and automobiles (especially in their own driveway). Many thieves have easy access to their intended target. Many crime prevention experts recommend deadbolt locks for exterior door security; be sure that the bolt extends a minimum of one inch into the door frame to provide adequate security. Again, always remember to lock up; a lock provides no protection if left unlocked.
Residents should be sure they have adequate lighting around entrance ways, garage doors and walkways. If flood lights are used, be sure to aim them away from the entrance ways in order to see anyone approaching; strategically placed floodlights will make your home less inviting to a burglar.
Our Public Relations Officer Captain Raines should be contacted (203 431-2797) if anyone is interested in forming a Neighborhood Watch.